Fast Take Friday Week of 7/27

  • Post by Ari
  • Jul 31, 2020

Last weekend we ventured out and went blueberry picking. Boy is it hot! I don’t know about you, but we just don’t do well in the heat. Especially with masks. But we did it, and it was SUCH a short adventure, but totally worth it. We ended up driving down by the river afterwards and walked around until heading home for lunch.

We also went to a drive in movie this week. We brought our own food, and stayed MOSTLY in our cars. But it was such a treat for the boys. Trying to find something different for them is so important these days. We did buy ice cream sandwiches from a food truck there for dessert.

Totally worth it! And they had gluten free for me!

Whose in the mask game? I just made a few that I’m loving. Seamless, around the ear, but with ties. They aren’t the easiest ones but I’m hoping my little sensory sensitive guy will keep it on.

(it’s reversible!)

Ignore my massive lack of makeup 🤦🏻‍♀️